First Class with Bauer

As soon as I arrived to the classroom, I was excited because English is a language I enjoy a lot and programming is something that interest me, the class was a little diferent from I expected but I really liked it, the professor show us the famous Page One, that you can visit it at, and basically it says everything we need to know about the course and I agree with it, so I expect to have an excellent and wise class this semester, also I hope to learn a lot.

I can tell I have some experience on the first two topics, which are

  1. Use of comments
  2. C++ Good Style coding conventions

Because once in High School I wanted to join to this technollogycal world and i studied the basics for programming and I discovered that the use of comments were very useful for beginners and that we need to follow some conditions for get a good and functional code.



My semester with Ken

My semester with Ken was very interesting I had never been in a class where nothing worth points, at the the beggining I thought this system was not going to be useful for learning but I did not expected that we as students were going to do a real effort for the course, but I believed that the reason consists in the fact that the students have pride.

Well, to sum up I want to say that this new method of teaching was really interesting and having a nice teacher like Ken is even more interesting, I hope to keep contact with Ken after this course because he´s an excellent professor.

Finally I wish luck for those who will have class with Ken next semester or next year.

Here my video review

Our Final Project “Galgenmännchen(Ahorcado)” finished

Well finally with my brother Jesus Castillo Madrigal, we finished the final project, and we achieved our goal of making a Hangedman with random words in germany, in the creation of this program or game, we developed the following mastery topics from

  • When to use what type of repetition in a program
  • Validated user input (ensure correct/expected data entry)

Because in the program we have to decide where and when repit some parts of the program, and we had to ensure that the user didn´t entry a wrong expected data that would ended the program.

The keys open doors

and let the knowledge indoors

Here you can download the code: aaaaaaa

The beginning of the course

With the first codes of this course i believe that I developed the following mastery topics from

  • Ability to create C++ file and run from command line (terminal)
  • Create accounts: Blog, Twitter, GitHub

And I did it because I had to for made my evidences for the semester, first I thought that it was not going to be a good way to evaluate ourselfs but think that was a mistake, it was an excellent way to share with my friends what I have done, Github was an excellent site to upload my codes and share in my blog.

So I believe that the blog and Github were important in my performace for this semester.Resultado de imagen para githubResultado de imagen para wordpress


This task was kind of large, but I finally did it with the help of Juan Carlos Ron Varela and Rogelio Felix Gamboa.


The job consisted on

“Create a program that asks the user for two pieces of data: The lower bound of the sequence & The upper bound of the sequence. Then you check the values from the lower bound (inclusive) to the upper bound (inclusive) and make a report of them. During the analysis of each number, if a Lychrel number is found it should be reported immediately with something like “Found a Lychrel number: 196” (Bauer, 2017).

I believe I develope on this WSQ the following mastery topics from

  • Nesting of conditional statements (ifs inside ifs)
  • Nested loops

I belived that i developed those because the code requires a combination of loops and conditional because it requires of that to make it worth.

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#include "BigIntegerLibrary.hh"
bool is_palindrome(BigInteger n){
string a1= bigIntegerToString(n);
string a2=a1;
reverse(a2.begin(), a2.end());
return (a2==a1);
BigInteger apply196(BigInteger n){
string a1= bigIntegerToString(n);
string a2=a1;
reverse(a1.begin(), a1.end());
return n+ stringToBigInteger(a1);
return n;
int main() {
int nolychrel=0, palin=0, lychrel=0;
BigInteger num;
int inferior, mayor;
cout <<"Calculadora de palíndromos"<<endl<<'\n';
cout<<"Ingresa tu número inferior"<<endl;
cout<<'\n'<<"Ingresa tu número mayor"<< endl;
for(int i=inferior; i<=mayor; i++){
if(is_palindrome (num)==true){
else {
int contador=0;
bool lych= true;
while (contador<=30){
num= (apply196(num));
if (lych){
cout<<'\n'<<"Acabo de encontrar un número lychrel y es: "<< i<<endl;
cout<<'\n'<<"Entre su rango de números hay:"<<endl<<'\n';;
cout<<palin<<" palíndromos"<<endl<<'\n';;
cout<<lychrel<<" números lychrel"<<endl<<'\n';;
cout<<nolychrel<<" números no lychrel"<<endl<<'\n';;
return 0;

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Well, this task was diferent from others because in this one we had to download a program called Scilab. The reason was very simple Ken told us that the program would be very useful for our student´s life, and I decided to give it a try and I discovered that it is actually a very useful program to math and physycs, I am still learning how to use it completely and I think is going to be an excelent partner in my college.

I believed I developed the following mastery topics from

  1. Data analysis with tools (to be determined which tool, most likely SciLab)
  2. Visualization of data with tools



This task was very interesting because at the beggining I did not understand what I had to do so I searched for help, and a friend did help me and explained me the code and what I have to do, but then I tried to do it by myself and I made it!

So then my code was working after a lot of obstacles, and I will share it with you with this link

And a photo of it: WSQ12

Our Project “Galgenmännchen(Ahorcado)”

I’m working with my brother Jesus Castillo Madrigal on this project with the help of a friend Oscar, I know what you think. That this game is overused but we are going to do it in another language, German, yeah both of us are learning the lenguage so we decided to combine Solving Problems with Programming with the amazing new language.aaaaaaa

We have started working on it, and we have plenty expectativies about it.

My second Partial with Ken

I have to say that my second partial with ken was more difficult but full of knowledge, the second exam consists in creating some functions, in the first exercise  we had to do a function capable of giving us the distance between two points, following the rule of the pitagoric theorema, I can say this one was pretty easy and not complicated at all.

In the second exercise we had to do a function capable of input a number and give us a factorial of it, I can say I had work with factorials before and now I can do it by my own, also I think it is important to mention that I develope a mastery topic on do it, a mastery topic taken from and it was:

  1. Use of recursion for repetitive algorithms

In the third exercise we had to do a function capable of sum a list of numbers, but those numbers had to be in the power of 3, for people who knows how to make list was easy and this lead us to develope another mastery topic which it´s:

  1. Creation and use of Arrays/Vectors in C++

Also I started to share my codes in GitHub and I think it is an amazing tool for coding, and that´s why I considered to complete the following topic:

  1. Submit work via Blog RSS and GitHub

You can download my code for the second exam here:

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I have to admit that this task it was hard because I don´t dominate the fact of making list but step by step with each WSQ I am improving the way I code my programs. The WSQ11 requires to create a list and what we had to do was:

“Write a function called find_bananas which receives a single parameter called filename (a string) and returns a positive integer which is the number of times the word (string) “banana”  (or “BANANA” ) is found in the file. The banana can be any case (‘BaNana’ or ‘BANANA’ or ‘banana’, etc) and they can be “stuck together” like “banAnaBANANA” (that counts as two). Create your own test file (plain text) to check your work.” (Bauer, 2017)

In the creation of the function I discover a lot of funny things that I can do with the code but I decided to keep it classy.

I believe I developed the following mastery topics from

  1. Reading and writing of text files
  2. Use of loops with “for”

The first may not be fully covered but partially, yes

WSQ11 I want to share with you a little poem about the code:

It seems we can now count bananas

But we can´t reach our pajamas

But soon we can be at the Bahamas

You can download my code here:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int LineasBananas(string lineas){
int x=0, bananas=0;
for(int i=0; i<lineas.length(); i++){
lineas[i] = tolower(lineas[i]);
cout << lineas;
int pizza = lineas.find("banana", x);
x = pizza + 1;
if (pizza != -1){
cout<<"Contador: "<<bananas<<endl;
return bananas;
int BuscaBananas(const char *filename){
int contador =0;
string lineas;
ifstream file(filename);
contador = contador + LineasBananas(lineas);
return contador;
string filename = "1.txt";
int veces;
veces = BuscaBananas(filename.c_str());
cout << "Usted tiene " << veces << " Bananas en su texto "<< endl;
return 0;

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I believe that this activitie was very easy because I have a strong knowledge when it consists in a mathematic code, I enjoy doing these kind of tasks and for these particular case we had to do:

“The function should receive a number and return floating point number. Obviously you should test your function, so create a main program that asks the user a value, calculates the square root and displays that.”(Bauer,2017)WSQ10

To entertain I will share with you a little poem:

Calculating an squareroot

Maybe difficult

But not something you can´t do

So you don´t have to try to cut

You can download the code here: